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What Clients Say

Found a way to accommodate us in our hour of need…

By November 3, 2022 December 16th, 2022 No Comments
patient at Hawthorne Hills Veterinary Hospital, Seattle, Washington

Dear Dr. Riedinger, Dr. Eskesen, and the entire staff at HHVH,

It has been almost three months since our Brittany, Maggie, passed away. We wanted to write and let you know how very much we appreciate the great care Maggie received at Hawthorne Hills Veterinary Hospital.

We began bringing Maggie to you shortly after you opened – 10+ years ago. Whether it was for a checkup or for boarding, she loved going there. Whereas our previous dog would dread the Vet visits and begin whining as we approached, Maggie would tug in eager anticipation.

Not only did Maggie receive excellent healthcare from HHVH, but we’ve always felt that you have provided excellent customer service to us over the years. The most poignant example was at thanksgiving in 2005. Bill’s father fell desperately ill, and we needed to fly to Texas. Although you were fully booked with boarders, you somehow found a way to accommodate us in our hour of need.

At 13 ½ years, we knew Maggie was reaching the end of her life, but were unprepared for her sudden illness and subsequent death. Although we wish we could have been with her in her final hours, we take great comfort knowing she was with you and your staff when she passed away.

We were touched by the sympathy card that was signed by all of the staff – it meant a great deal to us.

In the next few weeks or months we plan to get another dog and will follow up soon afterwards with you for their first checkup!

Thank you again for your professionalism, customer service, and genuine concern for your patients.

With gratitude,

Marsha Donaldson

Bill Ferris

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