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NutritionWeight Loss and Management

Loving Your Pet The Slim & Trim Way

By July 9, 2012 No Comments
Morgan has had weight loss success after visiting Hawthorne Hills Veterinary Hospital in Seattle Washington

Seattle veterinarians explain how to love your pet and keep them thin and healthy

We are celebrating Morgan and her owners because of their dedication and hard work in helping Morgan join the ranks of lean and fit. She just checked in at 13.7# and is healthy and feeling great!

Morgan’s owners have been working diligently for over a year to get Morgan’s weight down from a high of 16.7#. After a bout of Pancreatitis several months ago, Morgan’s Seattle veterinarian changed her to a very low fat diet and that has made a significant difference. In addition to the lower calorie, lower fat menu, Morgan has been working for her meals and treats. She is quite the student and has a repertoire of tricks she loves to perform. Her owners have also implemented a “breakfast and dinner on the run” policy – Morgan needs to exercise to get her meals. She is enjoying the interaction and play with her owners, and they are celebrating her new trim physique and increased energy.

Congratulations on your accomplishment!

To learn more about Pet Obesity and what you can do to help your pet, follow this link:

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