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We are one of Seattle’s Greenest Businesses

By November 3, 2022 December 16th, 2022 No Comments

Congratulations to all of our staff for helping us do our part to recycle!

We received kudos from the City of Seattle and are now listed on their “greenest business” list. Check it out!

RV_GOTM_GreenestWe participate in clean recycling, compost all food, yard waste and shredded paper, keep and recycle all batteries, light bulbs, card board; return outdated electronics to recyclers, and use low flow toilets and water restrictors on lavatory faucets. All of this has kept our garbage at a very low level and helped us lower the resources we use.

Here’s a link to the City of Seattle website –

Our patients also love Going Green!!!

zen helps out in the garden (250x188)   Cassie Going (250x181)



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