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Furry 5K

By November 3, 2022 December 16th, 2022 No Comments

Our Seattle veterinary hospital strides on to complete the annual Furry 5K

In June we team up with our own dogs to complete the Seattle Animal Shelter’s Annual
Furry 5K Run/Walk around Seward Park to raise money in support of the shelter animals.
Below are a selection of photos over the years – dogs, kids, rain and sun; it’s all fun!

2018 – Furry 5K


2016 – Furry 5K

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2014 – Furry 5K

1 HHVH team before the race (217x144) 2 Talking strategy before the race (217x144) 3 Trisha, Matt and Champ (217x144) 4 Pippa Dr. Eskesen John and Linley (217x144) 5 Kyla Greg and girls crop (161x217) 6 Dr Wedde and Duke (289x191) (279x184) 7 Drs Eskesen, Wedde and Linley (217x144) 8 Pippa doing yoga (217x144) 9 Pre-race stretching (217x144) 10 Talking strategy (217x144) 12 Tango (217x144) 13 Starting down the hill (217x144) 14 Trisha (217x144) 15 Near the home stretch (217x144) 16 A few did the walk barefoot (217x144) 17 Pit stop for a drink (217x144) 11 Duke showing his belly crop (144x217) 18 Finish Line 2 crop (144x217) Finish Line 2014

2013 – Furry 5K


Seattle Veterinarians Participate in Furry 5K Walk For Charity Our Seattle Veterinarians Participate in Furry 5K Walk For Charity Pets of Hawthorne Hills Veterinary Hospital in Seattle Seattle Veterinarians Take a 5K Stroll for Charity Seattle Veterinarians On the Furry 5K for Shelter Charity Furry 5K 2013 Finish Line! Success for Our Seattle Veterinary Team! A Family Affair - Our Seattle Veterinary Hospital Team at the Furry 5K Furry 5K Walker - Pets of our Seattle Vet Hospital Seattle Veterinary Hospital Team in Furry 5K Walk For Charity Our Seattle Veterinarians Participates in Furry 5K Walk For Charity

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