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In Memory


By November 3, 2022 December 18th, 2022 No Comments

March 7, 2004 ~ October 2, 2014

I dedicated a decade of my life to my Bailee girl – a chapter now ends.  I dreaded saying goodbye from the moment I first held her in my arms at 8 weeks old.  She was my true companion.  She was with me through both happy and hard times.  At the times in my life when I felt most alone – I never was – she was right there to kiss away the tears.  We had an obvious bond and excelled in both obedience and agility.  I will miss her sassy personality, insistent whine, guttural growl & quirky mannerisms.

  • The front window is unattended.
  • The door is opened without a wet-nosed greeting.
  • The house is quiet.
  • My heart is heavy.

May you rest in peace my Bailee girl.

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